The United States is one of the most dangerous places to give birth in the world. And Black families face the most dire statistics, regardless of education or socio-economic status. Black mothers are 5-12% more likely to die during the birthing year and black babies are three times more likely to die when they are cared for by a white doctors. 

It's time for white people to do the work of learning about racism and taking concrete steps to make changes. Please join me. Feel free to email me to discuss or suggest additions to this page.

Please donate to the BIPOC Student Midwives in Illinois Scholarship Fund.  

Find Black Birth Workers in Chicagoland:
Chicago Volunteer Doulas
Chicago Birth Works Co. (filter for BIPOC) 

Anti-Racism for Families:

First Name Basis Podcast
Britt Hawthorne

More on Birth Disparities:
Why America's Black Mothers are in a Life-or-Death Crisis
America is Failing its Black Mothers

For Birth Workers:
Jennie Joseph:  Blog
Jennie Joseph on the EBB Podcast
Mind The Gap: A Handbook of Clinical Signs in Black and Brown skin (free download)
Ways to Change Birth in our Culture from Birthing from Within